Singing Guide: Urban Rescue

Singing Guide: Urban Rescue

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Vocal Technique and Songs

When it comes to singing like Urban Rescue, it's important to master their vibrato technique. If you watch their live performances, you'll notice that they use a lot of vibrato to add emotion and depth to their singing. Some songs to showcase their vibrato technique are "Song of My Father" and "King of all the Earth".

In addition, Urban Rescue often switches between chest voice and falsetto. This creates a dynamic sound that captures the audience's attention. Pay close attention to their use of these vocal registers in songs like "Never Stop" and "Wild Heart".

Practical Advice

To begin singing like Urban Rescue, it's important to first analyze your own voice. Singing Carrots provides a helpful article on how to analyze your voice. This will help you identify areas where you need to improve, and allow you to focus your efforts on specific techniques.

Once you've identified the areas you need to work on, you can begin practicing with Singing Carrots' Pitch Training. This educational singing game provides exercises for range and agility, which can help you develop Urban Rescue's unique sound.

Additionally, Urban Rescue's songs often require a lot of breath support. Singing Carrots has a helpful article on breath support which can assist in developing this skill.

Singing Carrots Resources

With these resources, you can begin your journey to singing like Urban Rescue. Keep practicing, and remember to focus on their unique vocal techniques. Soon enough, you'll be able to recreate their energetic and heartfelt sound.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.